+91 8855005922 info@snehalmahajan.com

Life Coach – A Change Maker of Your Life….
This is my first blog on social media. I have some thoughts on this topic which I want to share with you all.
Life gets better not by CHANCE, but by CHANGE.
In the last few months, I realized the importance of a Coach in my life. For a couple of years, I was struggling to find my identity, my passion, the purpose of my life. I explored many things to find my Identity and passion after quitting my job but didn’t get the desired result. I was so disappointed. But someone said it correctly “If there is a will, there is a way”.
And yes finally it came true for me in the last few months. I found my Coach (Mentor). She transformed my life completely. She is a real inspiration for me to become a “Life Coach”. She transformed my life from where I was to where I am now. The major changes I experienced in me are – I got clarity about my Life. I found my passion and now living it. I came to know how I can attract abundance in my life. I can now always think positively (obviously there is some situation where u cannot). Like these, there are so many changes I am experiencing. If I write all those, the blog will get bigger and you will get bored of reading 🙂
So in short, Coach is like a lighthouse who will help you to focus on your goals in areas including Profession, Relationships, Finance, Career, Passion, Purpose, Parenting, and Work-Life Balance.
Top Reasons to Hire a Coach:
1. You will set far better goals that motivate you in a healthy way and accomplish it quickly.
2. You will have a better life, not just a better lifestyle.
3. You will move up to the next level of your professional and Personal life.
4. You will likely make more money in your career, Profession, or Business.
5. You will be a lot happier and this happiness will last.
So, what are you waiting for? If you find this blog useful, please Like it and comment below. Do not forget to share if it is value-added.
I will be happy to help all the working professionals and Housewives to take their life from where they are to where they want to be.
Snehal Mahajan
Founder of FabU (Finding A Better You)